Welcome to 20/21 espacio de arte,
Our new exhibition «Somewhere» is open to the public.
Please book your visit to the exhibition.
Please note that 20/21 espacio de arte will be closed from 15/04/25 to 19/04/25 inclusive.
Thursday 14h – 18h
Friday 10h – 18h
Saturday 10h – 18h
Tuesday – Wednesday 10h – 17h
Thursday – Saturday 10h – 18h
Guided visits for education and culture professionals


Library and education

We believe in the potentials of Art in education as an alternative route and supporting role in learning. What is expressed and received in the form of words can be powerfully reinforced and explored more deeply with visual creation and observation.
By building close relationships with the members of the teaching community, we hope to create for them a sense of confidence and support so they feel comfortable tapping into the broad variety of information and inspiration at 20/21 and integrating it into their own academic programs. With this is mind, the library is well organized to be easily accessible for research purposes, the art works on display will always have supporting information, and the exhibitions will be diverse, touching on subject matters with a humanistic approach.
Opening Hours

Exhibitions (general public)
Thursday 14h – 18h
Friday 10h – 18h
Saturday 10h – 18h
Tuesday – Wednesday 10h – 17h
Thursday – Saturday 10h – 18h
Educational Visits (by appointment only)
Tuesday 10h – 17h
Wednesday 10h – 17h
Thursday 10h – 14h