Spanish Art: XX-XXI c.

The evolution of a contemporary visual language

September 9, 2023 – March 23, 2024

Artistic language, like any other, evolves. It contains all the complexities of the histories of a people, including but not exclusively their artistic movements – a collage of influences through time. Spanish Art through the ages is no exception to this type of development. In fact, perhaps one can say it is a prime example when one considers its rich and powerful history already manifested in its classical art – Velázquez, El Greco, Ribera, Goya, only to scratch the surface. As well as in more recent history, artists like Picasso, Gris and Miró define much of our visual dictionary. Spanish art and visual language has been innovating and leading the way for centuries. The permanent exhibition “Spanish Art of the mid-20thCentury” in conjunction with the temporary presentation of “Contemporary Spanish Art” give us just a partial overview of the past six decades of what we can consider the current evolution of the Spanish visual language.